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The image shows the exterior of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, featuring a grand facade and stone steps leading up to the main entrance.

The image shows the exterior of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, featuring a grand facade and stone steps leading up to the main entrance.

The Metropolitan Museum of ArtThe Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Genesis Facade
The Genesis Facade Commission

An Annual global artist commission featuring new art pieces on the niches of the museum’s iconic main entrance facade An Annual global artist commission featuring new art pieces on the niches of the museum’s iconic main entrance facade

The Genesis Facade Commission: Lee Bul, Long Tail Halo

The Genesis Facade Commission :
Lee Bul, Long Tail Halo

September 12, 2024 – May 27, 2025

September 12, 2024 – May 27, 2025

The Genesis Facade Commission: Lee Bul, Long Tail Halo features four new site-specific works by artist Lee Bul (b. 1964). Known for her sophisticated use of both highly industrial and labor-intensive materials, Lee incorporates artisanal practices as well as technological advancements into her work, addressing the aspirations and disillusions that come with progress.

The artworks presented in this exhibition symbolize, both independently and in dialogue, the abiding human desire for progress and perfection while hinting at the failures and repercussions inherent to these pursuits. Together they reflect the endless revisions and transformations in the long narratives of history.